(The email below deals with Universal Background Checks, which New York State already has. But if you ever thought about moving someday — or if you want your children or grandchildren to live in a freer state someday — please take action on this now!)...
Yesterday, Nancy Pelosi rammed H.R. 8 through the House — Joe Biden’s signature gun control legislation that would register every gun owner in America in a federal database. Convinced the wind is at their back, and that this is their time to crush the Second...
Hurry, there isn’t much time. With virtually no notice, the Senate recently passed S.13 and S.14 which deals with 80% lowers (aka home build) guns and will make you a FELON for possessing one of the firearms! While Gov. Cuomo and his America-hating leftists in Albany...
Nancy Pelosi’s H.R. 8 was filed, heard in a sham committee, and passed out of the House of Representatives in just over a week. Honestly, it was always going to be tough to defeat this legislation in the House. But with the bill now landing in the Senate, gun owners...
It’s time that gun owners in New York State go on offense! For years, gun owners and the organizations that supposedly fought for them in Albany have been reacting to what Governor Cuomo and his socialist allies in Albany have said or done. By doing that — by...