Gun Rights Victory in Buffalo!

While very few races in last night’s primary election impacted gun owners, one race certainly stood out.

In Erie and Wyoming county, Assemblyman David DiPietro was being challenged by Mitch Martin and moderates from across the state.

Of course, for those that don’t know, David DiPietro is the leading voice for the Second Amendment in the New York State Assembly and has been the lead sponsor of our Stand-Your-Ground legislation for several years in a row.

Simply put, there is nobody who fights harder for gun owners in the Assembly than David DiPietro.

So it was no surprise when David completed his NYSFA Candidate Survey 100% pro gun. What was concerning was the fact that Mitch Martin refused to survey whatsoever.

That’s why the NYS Firearms Association put out digital advertising like the one you see below, making sure that gun owners in Western New York had the facts.

As you can see, over 166,000 gun owners in Erie and Wyoming county saw our information in this race!

The results were incredible.

Everywhere Mitch Martin went for the last three weeks of this campaign he was asked about his stance on the Second Amendment.

Every social media post that his team put out was filled with comments from gun owners wanting to know why he would not answer his candidate survey.

Last night, the voters of AD-147 made it clear what they think about candidates who will not fight for the Second Amendment as David DiPietro captured a jaw dropping 82% of the vote… cruising to victory in epic fashion!

Thank you to all the NYSFA members who made it possible for us to educate so many gun owners in this district.

Of course, the larger fight is looming as the general election will be here before you know it.

Make sure that we are in a position to expose anti-gun Democrats using the same type of whiteboard videos you saw above.


For New York State,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
NYS Firearms Association