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Help Us Defeat S-1985 in Albany!

New York already has the worst gun control laws in the country. But Kathy Hochul and Senator Pete Harckham want to make them far worse with S-1985!

This legislation would order law enforcement to confiscate all firearms in a home that they are dispatched to for an alleged incident of ‘domestic violence’ even if the call was baseless!

If your child was angry you took away his cell phone because he didn’t do his homework and he calls the cops, your guns are gone for at least 5 days even though nothing happened.

If a nosy neighbor hears an argument in your home through an open window and calls you in to the cops, your guns are gone for at least 5 days even though nothing happened. 

If a bitter about-to-be ex-spouse wants to damage your reputation for a future divorce case and calls the cops on you, your guns are gone for at least 5 days even though nothing happened. 

This is insane. But the problem is, many soft Republicans are nervous to vote no on any bill that has ‘domestic violence’ in the title.

Gun owners need to get loud, and fast! Help us kill this bill by signing your OFFICIAL PETITION against any attempt to pass S-1985! This is how your Senator and Representative know what you expect of them.

Once you’ve done that, take the next step and become a member of the NYS Firearms Association so that we can keep fighting for you in Albany and in D.C.! Get involved at!