“Hot Dang!” It’s what everyone is thinking this week! Tuesday’s election results were nothing short of spectacular for the Second Amendment and this great country! We’ve seen monumental victories not just in the presidential race, but across numerous key local and...
What a historic week this has been! The outcome of Tuesday night’s election was nothing short of a political revolution, unlike anything we’ve seen in our lifetimes. Propelled to victory by MILLIONS of pro-2A supporters flooding the polls across the country...
IT’S GO TIME! The polls just opened here in New York State and for those who didn’t vote early or by absentee, it’s time to send a message about the kind of state and country you and I want to live in! Kamala Harris wants to become a dictator, crush our Second...
While your kids or grandkids may be out trick-or-treating tonight and running into pretend scary monsters, I hope you know that Michelle Hinchey’s gun control agenda is truly terrifying. Hinchey is running for re-election in Senate District 41. And while she pretends...
Democrats in swing seats here in New York State and across the country are getting scared. Every time Kamala Harris opens her mouth she seems to cost her party a half point in the polls. And now that is spreading into down ballot races. Suddenly, gun-grabbing Leftists...