Update on H.R. 8: Fight Moves to the Senate!

Update on H.R. 8: Fight Moves to the Senate!

Nancy Pelosi’s H.R. 8 was filed, heard in a sham committee, and passed out of the House of Representatives in just over a week. Honestly, it was always going to be tough to defeat this legislation in the House. But with the bill now landing in the Senate, gun owners...
Stand-Your-Ground Law About to Be Filed in Albany!

Stand-Your-Ground Law About to Be Filed in Albany!

It’s time that gun owners in New York State go on offense! For years, gun owners and the organizations that supposedly fought for them in Albany have been reacting to what Governor Cuomo and his socialist allies in Albany have said or done. By doing that — by...
URGENT: ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Moving in Congress!

URGENT: ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Moving in Congress!

(The email below deals with Joe Biden’s ban on the AR-15 and hundreds of similar rifles and shotguns. NY already has a similar ban on these firearms. But I hope that every New Yorker will take action on this, or there will be no state in the country where we can go to...
You CAN NOT Sit This Out!

You CAN NOT Sit This Out!

Our gun rights are facing more threats that at any time since President Obama made his big push for the Manchin-Toomey gun control bill in April of 2013. Between H.R. 8, H.R. 127, H.R. 121, S. 109, and S. 529, the threats to our freedoms are coming at us non-stop! The...
Breaking: Committee Hearing on H.R. 8 Set for Monday!

Breaking: Committee Hearing on H.R. 8 Set for Monday!

We’ve just got the word that the House Rules Committee will be holding hearings on Joe Biden’s ‘National Gun Registration’ bill — H.R. 8 — this coming Monday! This is the legislation that would CRIMINALIZE the private sale of firearms and make felons out...