If you’re a new member of the New York State Firearms Association or just haven’t been on our website in a while, you might not know about the most important tool that we have in our work to defend the Second Amendment here in New York. The ‘Gun Rights Action Center’...
(The email below deals with Universal Background Checks, which New York State already has. But if you ever thought about moving someday — or if you want your children or grandchildren to live in a freer state someday — please take action on this now!) We...
Our Congressional sources tell us that Nancy Pelosi may roll out Joe Biden’s national gun registry legislation in just a few weeks, and that the legislation will mirror 2019’s H.R. 8! This bill will make the private party transfers of firearms illegal in almost every...
The radical gun control crowd in Congress and the State House hates gun owners like you and me with a passion, and they would love nothing more than to force you and me into prison cells and throw away the key! Sound a little farfetched? Don’t think it’s really that...
It’s time that gun owners in New York State go on offense! For years, gun owners and the organizations that supposedly fought for them in Albany have been reacting to what Governor Cuomo and his socialist allies in Albany have said or done. By doing that — by...