It’s time that gun owners in New York State go on offense. For years, gun owners and the organizations that supposedly fought for them in Albany have been reacting to what Governor Cuomo and his socialist allies in Albany have said or done. By doing that — by...
(The email below deals with deadly ‘safe storage’ laws that are being proposed in Congress. New York State already has this law on the books. But for those of you who are thinking about moving to a freer state someday, please read this email and take action, or the...
(The email below deals with deadly ‘safe storage’ laws that are being proposed in Congress. New York State already has this law on the books. But for those of you who are thinking about moving to a freer state someday, please read this email and take action, or the...
Imagine being forced to meet with a Department of Justice psychiatrist once a year, being asked what you think about President Trump or the Second Amendment, just to be able to buy a gun! Sounds like a joke, right, or something you would watch on a movie like the...
This is so much worse than we knew. Recently, we warned you about H.R. 127, a gun control bill that one of Nancy Pelosi’s trusted allies was expected to file in the House, that dealt with registering your guns and ammunition. As we told you then, the exact bill...