These Bills Will Make You a Felon for Building a Gun at Home!

These Bills Will Make You a Felon for Building a Gun at Home!

  While our state is plunging into debt and lawlessness with out of control violence spiking across New York State, Governor Cuomo and his socialist pals are doing all they can to make criminals out of law abiding gun owners! Violent criminals are being arrested...
Gun Rights 2021: Where Should We Focus?

Gun Rights 2021: Where Should We Focus?

By the time you receive this, the 2021 legislative session will be underway in Albany. Our team has been working for several weeks to lock down our legislative programs for the year, along with the budget to fund them. Like every other gun owner in America, I had...
A Criminal for Defending Yourself Unless You’re 21!

A Criminal for Defending Yourself Unless You’re 21!

Imagine you’re out of town for the weekend on business, leaving your 20-yr old daughter home alone while you’re away. While asleep one night, she awakes to the sound of a violent criminal (like one of the countless felons Governor Cuomo has released from prison over...
Congresswoman Lee Wants to Force You to Lock Up Your Guns!

Congresswoman Lee Wants to Force You to Lock Up Your Guns!

(The email below deals with unconstitutional and dangerous ‘Safe Storage Laws,’ similar to the law which New York State enacted two years ago. But for those of you who are thinking about moving to a freer state someday, please read this email and take action, or the...
Update in Albany: Liability Insurance for All Gun Owners!

Update in Albany: Liability Insurance for All Gun Owners!

Over the last year, tens of thousands of gun owners in New York State have received their pistol permits in direct response to the epidemic of violent crime that has enveloped New York State! And second only to the criminals that are committing these heinous acts of...