You see it on the news almost every night. New York State and many cities in America are being rocked with violence, looting and arson at the hands of Antifa/BLM terrorists. New York City has turned into a gang-infested war zone, with the cops themselves under attack...
America-hating leftists in Congress are trying to put as many gun owners as possible into federal prison, as part of their war against the Second Amendment. H.R. 686 makes it a felony offense to buy ammunition online, which is how most gun owners obtain bulk...
If you had told New Yorkers six months ago that Governor Cuomo was going to release almost 2,000 prisoners from jail and allow them to prey upon innocent New Yorkers, few would have believed you. But in response to the Coronavirus — and as a favor to his radical...
While America is on lock down across the country, radical socialists in Washington, D.C. are working overtime to advance the biggest gun control bill that I’ve seen in the 12 years that I have been fighting for gun rights! You might think that with the Dow plummeting...
It’s time that gun owners in New York State go on offense. For years, gun owners and the organizations that supposedly fought for them in Albany have been reacting to what Governor Cuomo and his socialist allies in Albany have said or done. By doing that — by...