Less than three weeks!
We’re less than three weeks away from the start of the 2020 session of the New York State legislature, and if you think that maybe Governor Cuomo and his America-hating cronies have done enough to attack our gun rights, I’ve got bad news.
Far from easing off, sources indicate that Governor Cuomo will be working overtime to cram every gun control law he can think of onto the books next session, before the 2020 elections!
You see, Governor Cuomo flipped the State Senate in 2018, but that was an ‘off year’ election and many gun owners stayed home. But in 2020, with President Trump at the top of the ticket, the results could be far different.
And with FIVE of Governor Cuomo’s most aggressive gun control advocates in the State Senate winning their election last year by a 51%-49% margin –- and numerous others winning by just 3%-4% — insiders report that the State Senate may flip on election night!
But in the meantime, gun owners like you and me need to stand together like never before, because the Governor and his allies are going ‘all in’ in 2020.
And while there are going to be many bills that we are facing next session, one bill should have the attention of every gun owner in the state!
In fact, many news outlets are calling Cuomo’s latest proposal — Senate Bill 1413, filed by Senator Kevin Parker — the ‘worst gun control bill of all time.’
That’s because this legislation would utterly obliterate the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners in New York State by allowing the government to investigate your online history as a condition of being issued a gun permit!
No, I’m not making this up.
But there is a silver lining here.
You see, Senate Bill 1413 is so bad that even some of the regular gun-control crowd in Albany are privately urging Senator Parker to quash this bill, for fear of the blow-back that it may cause them in their re-election.
And that means that gun owners have a real chance at stopping this bill, if we stand and fight RIGHT NOW!
It’s no surprise, as this bill represents the single most aggressive attack on the Second Amendment that we have ever seen when you consider that the bill would:
>>> Mandate that you surrender your personal log-in
information for all of your social media accounts,
before being issued a permit to buy a firearm!
In fact, the legislation specifies that gun owners provide
the log-in information for their accounts with Facebook,
Twitter, SnapChat, and Instagram!
Government officials would then be allowed to go through
THREE YEARS of your social media history when deciding
whether or not you should be issued a permit.
>>> Require that you surrender access to your computers
and smartphone, and give government agents complete
access to your online search history!
From Google to Yahoo to Bing, this bill would compel you to
give up your personal information to allow access to all of
these search engines!
Similar to their ability to dig through your social media activities, Senate Bill 1413 would authorize government agents to dig through 12 months of your browsing and search history as a condition of being issued a firearms permit!
Care to guess what sort of things Governor Cuomo wants his officials to search for, when they are digging through years and years worth of your social media and online history?
The short answer is everything!
After specifying what type of jokes and comments the government would be searching for, the bill goes on to expand their ability to search for: ANY OTHER ISSUE DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE INVESTIGATING OFFICER!
In short, Governor Cuomo wants to give a green light to spiteful and corrupt government agents to tear your life apart until they find something that they think is offensive, and use that to deny you your God-given right to keep and bear arms!
And don’t listen to ANYONE who tells you that Senator Parker and Governor Cuomo are not serious about trying to move this legislation.
Everyone in Albany knows what’s going on.
With just one session left until the 2020 elections, this is likely Governor Cuomo’s best chance of passing this bill into law, which is why he’s working hard to whip up ‘undecided’ votes in his caucus right now.
That’s also why the bill has been placed into the Senate Codes Committee, which is where all of Governor Cuomo’s legislation goes when he wants to ‘fast-track’ it.
But as I mentioned before, this bill is so egregious, that even members of Cuomo’s own party are trying to stall it as the 2020 election season is looming large in their mind.
That’s why it’s our job to draw a line in the sand against this crazed legislation RIGHT NOW, before the legislature is back in session!
And that depends on good folks like you.
So won’t you please sign the petition that we have prepared for you?
Our goal at the New York State Firearms Association is to ensure lawmakers know that if they pass this bill, every gun owner in the state will be opposing them come election time!
Sure, gun owners can’t remove gun-grabbers from deeply ‘blue’ districts. But we don’t have to.
By going after their most vulnerable members in targeted seats, gun owners could cost Cuomo his control of the Senate in 2020 — and that threat may stop this bill dead in its tracks!
But if this program is going to work, it needs to be massive and we need to kick it off now!
My goal is to have a stack of over 200,000 signed petitions sitting on lawmaker’s desks when they return to Albany, which will confirm their worst fear: that gun owners are going to hammer their weakest caucus members next fall.
Cranking up such a large multi-pronged program won’t be cheap.
But knowing how nervous Governor Cuomo’s caucus is, this bill will likely move in the first few weeks of the 2020 session, if it’s going to move, so we have to act fast!
So please sign your petition TODAY.
And if you possibly can, please consider making a generous contribution to the NYS Firearms Association.
I don’t know what you can afford. And the good news is, there are no limits, so you can give whatever amount you choose.
Please remember that our freedoms, and those of our children and grandchildren, are at stake.
For Freedom,
Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
New York State Firearms Association
P.S. The 2020 legislative session starts in just weeks, and King Cuomo is on a rampage to pass his ‘Social Media Gun Grab’ legislation (SB 1413.)
This bill would force you to surrender your social media passwords and search engine history to NY State, allowing government agents to pour through your online activities as a condition of applying for a firearms permit!
The bill has been assigned to committee, but insiders tell us that even some hardened gun-grabbers are nervous about passing this bill with the 2020 election just over a year away — which means we may be able to stop it!
Please sign your petition against this brutal legislation!